How to add a plant to Plant Finder

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Step 1: Add a plant

To begin adding a plant go to the Plant Finder page here. Click on the blue '+' symbol at the top right next to the 'List' tab. Note: you must be signed in at before you can start adding any plants. Sign in at the top right or click here to register for free.

Step 2: Fill in the plant name

After you have clicked on the '+' symbol, a box will appear for the plant's scientific names. Fill in the names in the appropriate boxes.

Subspecies will automatically appear with a 'ssp.' if this is filled in. Form will automatically appear with a 'f.' if this is filled in. Cultivar will automatically appear with speech marks if this is filled in. Group will automatically appear in brackets ( ) if this is filled in. Hybrid will automatically appear with a 'x' if this is filled in. Varietal will automatically appear with a 'var.' if this is filled in.

Once you have finished, click on the 'Submit' button.

Step 3: Upload a plant photo

To upload a photograph of this respective plant, scroll down to the 'Photos' submenu and click on the 'Photos' tab. To add a new picture click on the blue '+' symbol in this tab. An upload box will appear. Click on the 'Browse' button to look for the file on your computer. You may fill in the optional boxes of caption, date, copyright option and copyright holder. Then click on the 'Submit' button to upload the photo. We only accept JPEG, GIF and PNG files up to a size of 6MB..

Step 4: Enter plant information

To add/edit plant information click on the link under each plant attribute heading (e.g. Lifecycle, pH or Soil type) which will be highlighted in blue when mouse/pointer hovers over. A dropdown box will appear. Some may allow you to select multiple options by holding down the CTRL/CMD key.

Fill in the gardening season calendar with your knowledge by clicking on the calendar. An editing box will open up. Tick the boxes for the relevant weeks of sowing, planting, flowering and harvesting (if applicable). Once finished, click 'Submit'.

Step 5: Give a plant description

Make a description of this plant in your own words. Add any useful information to be shared with other gardeners. Click on the text to edit. A new box will open for you to type in. Click 'Submit' to finish.

Please make all entries to your best knowledge and use various sources to verify your information. Any content submitted to is moderated. Your entry will be queued, awaiting approval by our editors, before any changes will take effect.

Please note that you must be signed-in at in order to add/edit any plant information. Register here for free.

The more information you add the more points you earn

Everytime you fill in a name, upload a photo or write a description will reward you with points. Each field carries different points. Below is a breakdown of how many points each entry can earn. The top 5 scores will appear in our 'Top contributors' box on the home page.

+20 Photo upload
+10 Description
+3 Genus name
+3 Calendar
+2 Common name
+1 Others

Click here to view our Guideline and tips for entering information into the database