
The team of horticulturalists use many sources of references to help develop and check information. elow are just some of the reference books we use. For further information or if you would like to buy your own copy, please click on the links below.
Encyclopedia of Hydrangeas
CJ van Gelderen and DM van Gelderen
An indispensible reference for hydrangea connoisseurs and beginners alike.
The new encyclopedia of hostas
Diana Grenfell and Michael Shadrack
Essential reference with growing tips, suggestions for landscape use and recommendation for companion plants.
Snowdrops: A monograph of cultivated Galanthus
Matt Bishop, Aaron Davis, John Grimshaw
The definitive new work of reference for the genus Galanthus.
Hellebores: A comprehensive guide
C. Colston Burrell and Judith Knott Tyler
Packed with up-to-the-minute information on growing, maintenance, design, hybridization and selection, and trouble-shooting.
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Reference links
The grand dame of plant information. Well researched (though we have found a few mistakes, quickly corrected when we raised this with the RHS).
Fantastic site for details on Camellia, French but with English translations.
A membership only site with 11 000 database generated plants.
Huge US site, with over 120 000 plants. Descriptions are programatically generated, and lacks some gardener relevant info.
Great resource and info for Rhododendron enthusiasts. Hirsutum